Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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This version of gnuplot represents the work of many people. For a more
complete list read the RCS log on the top of makefile.unx. This version
originally was centered on Jos Van Woude's probability functions,
Don Tabor's discrete contour levels and Rob Cunningham's binary file
IO capability. It has grown tremendously. Russell Lang and Maurice
Castro added MS-Windows capability and much more. Roger Fearick
added OS/2 capabilility. Alexander Lehmann and Hans-Edgar Koechling
greatly improved Atari support. (There are also an OS-9 and PC-9801 versions
of 3.2 and a Mac version of 3.0 and a multiple plot on a page mod
which were not integrated into this release.) Eric Youngdale replaced the
explicit function hidden line removal routines with a more general
implicit bitmap (which requires more memory). Gershon Elber fixed
many 3D bugs and added the "dgrid3d" option which takes allows
scattered data to be contoured. Ed Kubaitis reworked the X11 support.
In addition, many more devices are now provided. We have
always added device drivers because we have no way to debug most of
them and only by including them into the package we obtain feedback.
In addition, we have begun a contrib subdirectory which contains
external library, programs, and mods which help in the use of
Gnuplot. Many of the diffs are now out of date and will take
some work to implement.
These contributions are not in any particular order.
* Subject: Special Functions for Probability Densities
Name: Jos van der Woude
Email: jvdwoude@hut.nl
* Subject: Discrete Contour Levels
Name: Don Taber
Email: news@solitary.stanford.edu,dbt@victoria.risc.rockwell.com
* Subject: LN03p (Graphic Enhance Mode) Driver and REGIS fixes
Name: Hung-chi Lihn
Email: lihn@ssrl01.slac.stanford.edu
* Subject: LESS-like additions to READLINE capability
Name: Michal Tomczak, Tom Tkacik
Email: ntomczak@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca,tkacik@hobbes.cs.gmr.com
* Subject: doc2texinfo : Converts Gnuplot .doc files to Texinfo format.
Name: George Ferguson
Email: ferguson@cs.rochester.edu
* Subject: Atari ST (gcc 1.40) version and PureC version
Name: Alexander Lehmann, Hans-Edgar Koechling
Email: alexlehm@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de,
* Subject: ISO 8869/1 character sets
Name: Marius Olafsson
Email: marius@rhi.hi.is
* Subject: HP PaintJet Driver
Name: Dan Merget
Email: danm@hpnmdlc0.sr.hp.com
* Subject: Improvements to HP PCL driver
Name: Timothy Collins, Tom Swiler, Alex Woo
Email: kaph6@solx1.central.susx.ac.uk,tom@silica.mse.ufl.edu
* Subject: plot "file" thru f(x) for transforming datafiles
Name: Jack Veenstra
Email: veenstra@cs.rochester.edu
* Subject: improvement to HPGL driver
Name: Craig Johnston
Email: johnston@maxwell.ee.washington.edu
* Subject: X11 mods
Name: Ed Kubaitis, Yehavi Bourvine
Email: ejk@ux2.ncsa.uiuc.edu, YEHAVI@vms.huji.ac.il
* Subject: Binary File IO
Name: Rob Cunningham, Jos van der Woude
Email: rkc@xn.ll.mit.edu,jvdwoude@hut.nl
* Subject: Improved Hidden Line Removal & LITE flag
Name: Eric Youngdale
Email: eric@tantalus.nrl.navy.mil
* Subject: xlib driver & test programs in contrib
Name: Gregg Hanna
Email: gregor@kafka.saic.com
* Subject: MS-Windows, boxes and boxerror styles, plot using accepts
columns in any order, plus many, many improvements
Name: Russell Lang, Maurice Castro
Email: rjl@monu1.cc.monash.edu.au, maurice@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au
* Subject: OS/2 version
Name: Roger Fearick
Email: fearick@physci.uct.ac.za
* Subject: scatter to grid mods "set dgrid3d", plus fixes
Name: Gershon Elber scatter to grid mods
Email: gershon@cs.utah.edu
* Subject: Notitle option to remove entry in key
Name: R. Shouman
Email: rshouman@hermes.chpc.utexas.edu
* Subject: Misc. Bug Fixes, new get_data, many improvements
Name: Daniel S. Lewart
Email: d-lewart@uiuc.edu
* Subject: H Olav Eggestad RGIP Uniplex driver (POSIX) and Imagen driver
Name: Hans Olav Eggestad
Email: olav@jordforsk.nlh.no
* Subject: New plotstyle "steps" for discrete functions
Name: John Grosh
Email: jgrosh@brl.mil
* Subject: CorelDraw! driver (subset of EPS)
Name: Chris Parks
Email: parks@physics.purdue.edu
* Subject: PSTRICKS driver (for TeX)
Name: Ray Toy
Email: toy@soho.crd.ge.com
* Subject: Framemaker MIF 3.0 driver
Name: Olof Franksson
Email: olof@ikaros.fysik4.kth.se
* Subject: Apollo mods
Name: Jim Richardson
Email: jimr@maths.su.oz.au
* Subject: TGIF driver
Name: Neal Holtz
Email: nholtz@civeng.carleton.ca
* Subject: TPIC specials driver (TeX)
Name: Honoo Suzuki
Email: honoo@nc.titech.ac.jp
* Subject: Log to any base capability
Name: Lawrence Crowl
Email: crowl@cs.orst.edu
* Subject: Talaris EXCL driver
Name: P. Klosowski
Email: przemek@rrdstrad.nist.gov
* Subject: New LaTeX Driver
Name: Xiaoguang Zhang
Email: zhang@whbws.ms.ornl.gov
* Subject: TeXdraw driver (eepic derivative)
Name: Khun Yee Fung
Email: clipper@csd.uwo.ca
* Subject: debug and hp2623a driver, fixes
Name: Bruce Lueckenoff
Email: luecken@udel.edu